In California where we live, we don't see any snow at all. But my DH is from Seattle and I am originally from Ohio where we have lots of snow and thought it would be fun for the boys to see what this is all about and get them started on ski lessons so at least they would know how if they wanted to. So last weekend we trekked up to Tahoe to see some snow and the boys all in all had a ball. They were slip and sliding on saucers and innertubes whizzing down the hill and Tyler took a ski lesson the next day and although this was his first time and it was hard and he did gripe about his flat feet rubbing in the ski boot, he loved riding on the ski lift and how cool he looked in all the gear. Dylan was a little apprehensive about the huge downhill slides and after a while decided he prefer to just play and climb in the snow.
Too Cute! Miss You!
Bobbie Jo