My kids have been watching it - Gosh I don't know how long- FOREVER!
I once bought a spiral notebook from Michael's $1 bin but it was a bit long, so I cut it in half and then covered it with paper and drew a chair for the front and Tyler has had it ever since, drawing bits of this and that. Unfortunately, Kyle got a hold of it recently now that he is really into Blue's clues and drew all over the inside with his little drawings and then fighting ensued with lots of tears shed that by all parties- esp Tyler that his little book that he has been treasuring was RUINED! Actually the plastic spiral was already breaking up and it was kind of ratty but Tyler was upset nevertheless.
So, the good mom that I was with the little Bind-it-All sitting on my shelf gathering dust decided to make up some handy dandy notebooks. Using the 4x4 coasters, I covered them with black CS, mounted colored CS that each of my kids chose, then drew 3 chairs in black marker on red CS, drew swirls with my versamark pen- I had a swirl stamp from SU that I used the first time but in my currently disastrous workroom, cannot for the life of me find- then put it together with bunch of copy paper that I cut up to make the pages and bound it up with my bind it all and some red 7/8" spirals. made a little handy dandy notebook for all three of them.
Now there is again harmony in my house- You think I did it for the kids? Nope. The effort is worth it for just some peace and quiet.