As soon as I saw this stamp- even though it was a single stamp and wood mounted- aghast! ( you know me as the queen of the unmounted stamps with space shortage and all for years! ) I had to have it. I think it comes from having been a good girl all my life- I always wanted to get a little lilly of the valley flower tattoo'd and ride a Harley but I am always worried about hepatitis from needles and never got around to it. Now with 3 little boys, I got a mommy van and I can see why sometimes I see little grandma's with their armskin flapping in the wind, wearing their babushka's and driving a sports convertible- that's going to be ME some day! It's the good girl wanting to be a little bit BAD sometimes!
I have been playing with the aluminum foil for a long time with different textures but found even the heavy duty aluminum foil to be not quite sturdy enough and you had be careful with it when mailing or applying pressure on it. One day someone catered lunch in my office and they brought chinese food in these aluminum foil trays with a cover that was a heavy duty aluminum foil you buy at craft stores for gobs of money- so instead of letting them trash it- I took it home to recycle- washed it off, cut it up with a heavy duty scissors ( then found my old cutting/scoring tool worked fine- it trashes the blade faster but hey, it is nice getting those clean lines-
I cut it to size THEN ran it through the texturz plate and this is what I got- sturdy and gorgeous. Embossing folders work beautifully too. Even if it has some things embossed in it already from the manufactures, creases whatever, lot of it just irons out with the pressure- gorgeous! I would apply either sticky tape to mount it or use tape on the base cardstock before you mount the foil to avoid messing up the impression.

The motorcycle is stamped in black, let dry a little then colored in wth real red marker. Mounted on basic grey cardstock. I punched some arrows with My Way punch- (retiring sigh!) and put white lines with my signo gel pen to make it look like the road a bit.
This is a easy stamp card- hardest part are the nails.
Use silver cardstock to punch out the cogs- that you will use to decorate the inside to add interest (it does take some doing to punch this out- I thought it was defective the first time I used it because it kept not punching all the way - I have to literally stand over it with both hands on it to get a good clean punch- I think the extra thick cardstock makes it so- Take a 1/4 inch punch and punch left over brushed silver cardstock 8 times. Leave 4 whole and cut the other 4 in half. dauber the basic grey onto the cut sections as shown and mount it on top of the whole one slightly split in the center to make faux nailheads. Cool, eh? I guess you could cut it into quarters to make a phillips screw but I am not that ambitious.

I put the cogs on the inside with another motorcycle image stamped in the corner to rev up the inside of the card.
I think any guy would love this- I know my boys did!
stampset: Motorcycle 117657 $11.95 woodmounted (summer mini)
paper: real red 102482 $5.50; Basic gray 108692 $7.50; whisper white 100730; brushed silver 100712
ink: basic Gray 109120; basic black pad 101179; real red marker 101179
accessories: Uni-ballSigno Gel Pen 105021 $3.95; sponge dauber 102892; perfect detail texturz plate; extra large double cogs punch 118873 (summer mini) bMy way punch 110709; 1/4 inch circle punch retired SU-