Tuesday, May 14, 2024

submarine slide out


4. Submarine life slide out card
 basecard is thick white 8 1/2 x  5 1/2  scored at 4 1/4 for A2 card
take another cardstock and stamp beauty of the day in old olive 
diecut opening on the front panel and use 1" punch to create a little half circle to pull out the strip in line with the opening
then the sand in cumbcake, 
the crab and fish in calypso coral
and seaweed in lost lagoon.
waves in pool party
- use blending brush or dauber or your color in mechanism of choice to color in the water
stamp submarine in poppy parade and sonar and fan with basic black on a scrap piece of paper and punch out .
the sentiment is stamped in lost lagoon on the base cardstock behind the opening on the front panel
You will need a lot of dimensionals - we will put the strip of white cardstock behind the opening to cover and put dimensionals around it so it will easily slide in and out. -put dimensionals around the front panel edge to mount to the base panel.
glue the sonar and the fan to the submarine then mount the submarine on the the white strip to make out the pull out mechanism and reveal.

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